Model 231: organization, management and control.

The discipline of the "liability of entities for administrative offenses depending on a crime" (legislative decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001), in which the Model 231 of Tecnotelai S.r.l. is founded, provides that the company may be sanctioned, in a pecuniary and / or disqualifying manner, in relation to certain crimes committed or attempted - in Italy or abroad - in the interest or advantage of the company by persons who fulfill representation, administration or management of the Company or one of its financially autonomous and functional units, as well as by persons who exercise, even de facto, its management and control (so-called persons in senior positions) and, finally, by persons subject to the management or supervision of the above-mentioned.

The Model 231 of Tecnotelai, of which the Company's Code of Ethics is an integral and mandatory general principle, was adopted in October 2016 by resolution of the Tecnotelai Administrator , which established the related Supervisory Board with the task of monitor the effectiveness and adequacy of Model 231, reporting on its implementation to the top management. The Supervisory Board was established in a monocratic form by appointing, as the only member, a member external to Tecnotelai, in possession of specific requirements. The Tecnotelai Supervisory Board also acts as Guarantor of the Code of Ethics.

The responsibility for updating Model 231, in its general and special part, lies with the SB already in charge of its implementation, in agreement with the Sole Administrator. 

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